The piece by Emily Oster ricochetted around the internet Monday afternoon, sparking outrage and mockery. The headline, which reads, “Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnesty,” is followed by one sentence that sums her entire argument up quite perfectly: “We need to forgive one another for what we did and said whenContinue Reading

“This is the most important election of our lifetimes.” I learned that from the Twitter feed of a twenty-year-old college student with a perfectly angled selfie for her avatar. Perhaps she’s right. Perhaps the 2022 midterm election, like every national election before it, is indeed the most important election ofContinue Reading

Sorry about the looming recession The misanthropic musings of an American grandkid So here we are. Mid-October 2023. I mean 2022. Fatalism makes little distinction. On the weathered deck near a bowl of half-nibbled cat food, the leaves on some plant to which I’ve irresponsibly agreed to tend sulk andContinue Reading

Emperor Biden’s True Colors The ruler of the largest empire in Earth’s history made it clear what D.C. government is about. The ruler of the largest empire in Earth’s history showed his true colors in Philadelphia, backed up by stern guards closely monitoring the kingdom’s subjects in attendance. No, thisContinue Reading

The Last Light In our current moment of absurdity, I sometimes wonder if humanity is going to survive. I always think yes. While things feel crazier than most of us have experienced, I know that this isn’t the worst we’ve been through. But what will we do knowing we haveContinue Reading

The So-Called Right to Vote Is Not the “Most Fundamental Right in America” Biden’s SOTU address claim is false–there is no such right in the U.S. Constitution. Fundamentally, there can’t be a right to vote at all–impossible, ludicrous. The March 1st, 2022, State of the Union address (SOTU) read by President JoeContinue Reading

Why I Don’t Celebrate “Presidents’ Day” I celebrate “Washington’s Birthday,” not a day honoring all presidents–because most of them sucked. Horrible for liberty, individual rights, and principles of limited government. February 21st, 2022, is called “Presidents’ Day” on my computer’s calendar. No, thanks; not for me. I am old enoughContinue Reading