National Divorce by Tom Woods

January 8, 2023

The Unsafe Space Book Club reviews and discusses Tom Woods’ new book “National Divorce” on peaceful political separation, hosted by Keith with a panel of secession thinkers. The book is based on episodes of Tom Woods Show episodes and Mises Institute talks, with secession perspectives from Tom, Jeff Deist (President of the Mises Institute), Historian Brion McClannahan, rabble-rouser Michael Malice, law school professor F.H. Buckley, President of the Texas Nationalist movement (Texit) Daniel Miller, and author Kirkpatrick Sale.

Why is it such a big deal about wanting to draw a political boundary here, instead of over there? Is the best possible arrangement of society really to have 330 million people ruled from one city? The book answers these questions, explains why a state leaving the union is constitutional and why secession is NOT treason, and presents solid arguments in favor of the principle of self-governance.

Joining in on the Book Club discussions:
Marcus Ruiz Evans, President of the Calexit full state secession movement
Steven Axelman, Founder of Americans for Peaceful Separation (APS) and Board member of Foundation for New Hampshire Independence
J.G. Franklin, an English teacher and Washingtonian Actor in Brazil, bringing in the Brazil secession movement perspective
Alex, Unsafe Space

#Texit #NHExit #Calexit #FLexit

Link to download free E-book:

For more content and information on next month’s book:


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About Book Club
The Unsafe Space Book Club is an opportunity for members of the community to read and then get together to discuss interesting or relevant books, both fiction and non-fiction. Books are selected when a community member advocates for a book and volunteers to lead the discussion. Book Club discussions always begin with the advocate’s case for why a book was selected, as well as a general summary, before opening the discussion to other participants.

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Links Referenced in the Show:

Free e-book “National Divorce” by Tom Woods

Amazon paperback version of “National Divorce”

Ch 1: Tom Woods, 10/2/21, LP Mises Caucus

Ch 4: Michael Malice, Tom Woods Show E. 694

Ch 5: F.H. Buckley, Tom Woods Show Ep 1575, 1/23/20

Ch 6: Daniel Miller, Tom Woods Show Ep. 1967, 9.8.21

Ch 7: Kirkpatrick Sale, Ep. 261, Tom Woods Show 10/10/2014

Ch 2: Jeff Deist, Tom Woods Show Ep 1565, 1/8/2020

Ch 3: Brion McClanahan, Tom Woods Show Ep. 1963, 9/2/21

About Book Club

The Unsafe Space Book Club is an opportunity for members of the community to read and then get together to discuss interesting or relevant books, both fiction and non-fiction. Books are selected when a community member advocates for a book and volunteers to lead the discussion. Book Club discussions always begin with the advocate’s case for why a book was selected, as well as a general summary, before opening the discussion to other participants.

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