[#Covfefe Break] Baby Elephants, Biden’s Gun Tax, and COVID Ennui

November 27, 2020

Keri and Carter celebrate Friday of Color after Carter’s illegal Thanksgiving Day festivities by pining for some Canadian BBQ and observing the lack of correlation between mask mandates and COVID deaths (courtesy Tom Woods). They deride Biden’s proposed $200 tax on “large capacity” magazines and “assault rifles,” and Carter describes how Americans suffer from Baby Elephant Syndrome in relation to their first and second amendment rights. Next, they briefly address voter fraud, election interference, and the wealth transfer from small businesses to large corporations that COIVD lockdowns continue to facilitate. Finally, Carter rails against pragmatism, which leads to a discussion about healthcare, charity, the importance of failure, and parenting.

Links Referenced in the Show:

Tom Woods searching for correlations between mask mandates and COVID cases:

Chuck Ross Twitter thread on Pfizer, Biden, and the FDA:

PA Senate Majority Policy Committee hearing in Gettysburg on election irregularities:

Judge Blocks Certification of Pennsylvania Election Results:

Nerdrotic’s SJW Knitting Wars with Keri:

Dan Price Twitter thread about wealth transfer:

Andrew Cuomo asserts that your COVID is your fault:

The Pope’s op-ed in the New York Times:

Carter’s Public Good video:

Democide in the 20th Century:

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