[Dangerous Thoughts] Crying About Hobbies and Lying About Science

January 12, 2022

Carter discusses the origin of rights and debunks the myth of the “right to vote” before reviewing a piece of NPC propaganda from The Atlantic titled, “How Hobbies Infiltrated American Life.” He rounds out the discussion by presenting and dismantling a commonly repeated metanarrative about science perpetuated, ironically enough, by those quintessential opponents of all metanarratives: postmodernists.

Links Referenced in the Show:

Atlantic article lamenting productive hobbies:

A curious lists of alleged rights:

Statistics on American and video consumption:

Statistics on social media consumption:

About Dangerous Thoughts

Hosted by Carter, “Dangerous Thoughts” is a series dedicated to practical and applied philosophy, as well as deeper dives into other crucial but complex topics. Its goal is to help rational individuals become more dangerous to the intellectual and psychological enemies of the principles upon which Western Civilization was built and has thrived.

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