The Second Amendment: Original Intent. Don’t bother reading it; I can summarize: The article is simply a fake conversation between founding fathers James Madison (author of the Constitution) and Thomas Jefferson, updated to modern language. Both of whom, for the record, were Anti-Federalists, which means they wanted an even weakerContinue Reading

“Oh my God, you totally missed the most amazing experience ever!” Such was the unsolicited account of last week’s Burning Man event that 23 year-old Skyy Feinberg, a part-time events coordinator and aspiring circus performer, gleefully yet somehow condescendingly shared with fellow Philz Coffee patron Gretchen Lewelling, a 42 year-oldContinue Reading

This is a follow-up to Shooting to Kill for those of you who are interested in how quickly police must make life-and-death decisions. Take a look at this video. At first glance, it may appear like an unjust shooting. But watch it several times until you see why the copsContinue Reading

Thanks to the death of Mike Brown, suddenly nearly every news commentator feels qualified to critique the tactics and motives of a small town police officer without so much as waiting for an investigation to conclude. People who’ve never even held a gun before are pontificating on national television aboutContinue Reading

In many towns across America, today was the first day of school. This morning, kids were anxious and teachers were preparing to do their best to help them succeed. Like many other parents, I dropped my daughter off at her first day of kindergarten today. And like many other kindergarteners, she was a littleContinue Reading