Dad, is Santa real?
How could I deny her that? Between the stars, black sky hid magic. Stealthily I unlatched the cold metal buckle and poked my head over the console to scan the realm beyond the windshield for a sign. The radio on the family Buick was an ember in the dark, itsContinue Reading
The Abstract: 10 December, 2022
Desaturating gay weddings
Gay weddings are back. Well, back in court. This week, SCOTUS began hearing oral arguments for 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. The case centers around Lorie Smith, a devout Christian who wants to expand her business to include wedding websites. Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA) prohibits businesses from discriminating against LGBTQContinue Reading
The Abstract: 3 December, 2022
Kanye’s fiat currency
In clown world it’s sometimes hard to separate the idiot from the savant, and for years the ramblings of Kanye West (“Ye”) remained indecipherable to many. After his dramatic transformation from secular sensation to Trump-stumping bible-thumper, the mainstream media made it even more difficult by casting every minute twitch orContinue Reading
The Abstract: 26 November, 2022
TikTok Terrorism
Beneath the thin slice of rectangle crystal, photons dance. In empty hospital halls, scrubs and masks shuffle clumsily to hip, vapid beats in a choreographed display of mediocre middle-class conformity. Vegan-skinned, dysfunctional costumes bob bright plumage, pointing beseechingly to narcissistic neopronouns as they pop on screen in colorful sequence. TheContinue Reading
Long march to serfdom
Immediately upon the spectacular meltdown of Sam Bankman-Fried’s magic money empire FTX last week, widespread consensus converged on one simple conclusion: The crypto market needs more government oversight. “[W]ithout proper oversight, cryptocurrencies risk harming everyday Americans,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre warned on Thursday. “The most recent news furtherContinue Reading